Identity Theft

To prove a point about the latest “Pornstar Name” Meme that’s currently going around Twitter. Basically, the meme asks for you to tweet your Pornstar name which is comprised of the name of your first pet, and your mother’s maiden name. I’m furious about this. Those two names are the two most common answers to security questions found on a number of websites. So. A theory: “Given just a user’s facebook name, and their Pornstar name, it should be possible to compromise their facebook account”....

March 4, 2011

About a week ago, my good friend @Moof asked the question “Is there a website out there monitoring if countries currently in revolt have full connections to the internet? Is eg Bahrain disconnected?” I thought this sounded like a challenge too good to pass up, and set about coming up with a way to figure out how we could programattically determine the state of a country’s internet. I’ve lately come up against the problem that when faced with a new idea, the hardest problem is getting it created, and working fast enough to ensure that your idea isn’t stolen by another like-minded individual....

February 21, 2011

Monitoring with Munin

One of the things I’m massively fond of when it comes to systems administration, is logging and monitoring. I love munin, and still prefer it over Cacti and Zabbix. I think the main reason is that it allows plugins to be configured with absolutely no browser interaction. Creating a new graph on cacti and zabbix both require a considerable number of clicks. It’s easy to install new munin plugins with things like Puppet....

February 7, 2011

Dedicated, Dedicated, Dedicated, Dedicated

After answering this question, I reconsidered my answer a number of times, and I’ve finally decided to rewrite it as a longer version as a blog/essay on my website. One of my fellow sysadmin types on Serverfault wrote an answer from a blog-post, and I intend to do the opposite. Right. I see a lot of questions which are basically, “I want my blog/social network/niche site/new product launch site to handle a whole bunch of traffic, how do I do it?...

February 6, 2011

Velleman 8055 Drivers

Download the Qcontrol application source. (32.6 KB) About 5 years ago, I wrote some “drivers” to interface a Velleman K8055 USB interface card . After a recent request, I have decided that they should be brushed up a little, and reinstated with a download link. I’m open to bug reports, but I can’t promise that I’ll be able to fix them quickly. Instructions to compile/install You’ll need the following dependencies: libusb-dev libqt4-dev qt4-qmake (ubuntu deps)...

December 4, 2010


The legacy of a nobody I work hard, and try not to let the future bother me. I don’t make 10 year plans, hell, I’m lucky if i know where I’ll be in 30 days time. I don’t make massive future plans, because I’ve found that everything can change massively week-to-week, and hastily made plans are often proved unservicable. I suppose this is par for the course when working in IT....

November 12, 2010

N's Story

After receiving such a great response to my own article (thanks everyone!), a good friend of mine asked whether I’d publish his similar story here. If any of these stories give enough hope to just one teenager (or anyone) to let them survive the hardship of coming out, and homophobic abuse, then that’s enough. For various reasons which will become apparent as you read, N has decided to use this moniker to protect his identity....

October 18, 2010

It Gets Better

I can clearly remember the reactions of most of my friends when I came out. I’ve worded that carefully, notice.. Friends. All of my true friends were supportive, one guy, a bit of a rugby lad, put his arm around me and said “Well done mate”. Mind you, that was when I’d chosen to come out, of my own accord. Truth be told, I’d actually been outed years before that. Let’s take a look back at that....

October 16, 2010

Mysterious Tiles

I recently acquired some ceramic tiles, and after a good bit of cleaning, they’re all presentable and nice. There’s 30 in total. Problem is, I’d like to know what the pattern is, who the designer/manufacturer was, and also, do they have any value. Some friends and family have suggested that they: “Look over 50 years old”, “Look like a morris pattern”, “look handmade”, “look valuable”, “mediaevally beautiful”, “worth finding out about”....

June 15, 2010

Zen and the Art of Speccing Servers

Say for example you want to build a new Virtualization cluster. You’ve chosen the CPUs you want, and know you want 32 GB of fast shiny RAM. The next thing to decide on is how the hell you’re gonna store your VMDK (or otherwise) images, and then store the backups and snapshots too. So. A typical VM Host server might be one of three choices. For sake of argument, i’m using Dell as a vendor....

June 11, 2010