Leveraging Amazon Inspector for Enhanced Security: A Deep Dive

In the realm of cloud computing, securing applications and infrastructure is paramount. Following our exploration of DevSecOps on AWS, this follow-up post delves into Amazon Inspector, an automated security assessment service that aids in improving the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS. Amazon Inspector is a potent tool in the DevSecOps arsenal, designed to automatically discover and assist you in remediating security vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices. Here, we’ll explore how Amazon Inspector functions, its key features, and how to effectively integrate it into your AWS security strategy.

How Amazon Inspector Functions

Amazon Inspector is designed to be straightforward yet powerful. It automatically assesses applications for exposure, vulnerabilities, and deviations from best practices. After conducting an assessment, it produces a detailed list of security findings prioritised by level of severity. Here’s a high-level overview of how it operates:

  1. Setup and Configuration: You specify the AWS resources you wish Amazon Inspector to assess. This could be EC2 instances or the entire VPC.
  2. Automated Security Assessment: Amazon Inspector assesses the specified resources by comparing their configuration and behaviour against a predefined set of security rules.
  3. Reporting and Prioritisation: After the assessment, Amazon Inspector generates a detailed findings report. Each finding is prioritised by severity, helping you focus on the most critical issues first.
  4. Remediation: With the findings in hand, you can begin remediating vulnerabilities. Amazon Inspector integrates with AWS services and third-party tools to automate remediation processes.

Key Features of Amazon Inspector

  • Comprehensive Security Rules: Amazon Inspector uses a comprehensive set of security rules based on common best practices, vulnerability definitions, and compliance standards. These rules are continuously updated, ensuring your assessments are always based on the latest security guidance.
  • Network Reachability Analysis: It identifies the network accessibility of your AWS resources and determines the potential exposure of your application to malicious activity.
  • Integration with AWS Services: Seamlessly integrates with Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Lambda for automated response and remediation workflows.
  • Automated and Continuous Assessments: Offers the option for both one-time and scheduled, continuous security assessments, enabling ongoing security monitoring.

Integrating Amazon Inspector into Your AWS Security Strategy

  1. Start with a Pilot Assessment: Begin by selecting a subset of your AWS environment to assess with Amazon Inspector. This allows you to understand the tool’s capabilities and the types of findings it generates.
  2. Define Assessment Templates: Create assessment templates tailored to your organisation’s requirements. These templates define which resources to assess and which security rules to apply.
  3. Automate Continuous Assessments: Configure Amazon Inspector to perform continuous assessments, ensuring ongoing security monitoring. Use Amazon CloudWatch Events to trigger assessments based on specific events or schedules.
  4. Incorporate Remediation into CI/CD Pipelines: Integrate the findings from Amazon Inspector into your DevOps workflows. Use AWS Lambda functions to automate the remediation of specific vulnerabilities.
  5. Monitor and Improve: Continuously monitor the findings from Amazon Inspector and adjust your security practices accordingly. Use the insights to refine your security posture and reduce the attack surface of your applications.


Amazon Inspector is an essential tool for any organisation looking to enhance its security posture on AWS. By providing automated security assessments, it helps identify and remediate vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices, making it a valuable component of a comprehensive DevSecOps strategy. Integrating Amazon Inspector into your AWS environment allows you to leverage the power of automation for security, ensuring that your applications and data are protected against the latest threats. Embracing Amazon Inspector is a step forward in achieving a secure, compliant, and resilient cloud infrastructure.